2019 Water Rates
December 27, 2018
Regional Water has approved its 2019 Water Tariffs.
After three years of steady rates for individuals and six years of steady rates for bulk users, it was unfortunately necessary to raise both monthly minimums and per-usage rates. With inflationary pressures from all ends of our supply chain - energy, transportation, fuel, construction materials, labor, contract labor - and the increased challenges - dealing with the aging parts of our water system, ensuring drought-resilient water supply, coping with increased regulatory requirements - ensuring Regional Water's long-term financial viability required a rate increase, with the burden divided among many small users and large users alike.
You can see the new 2019 tariffs at our Rates and Policies page, but based on usage data, we project the following: half of our customers will see their monthly bills go up by less than $4.35 per month. Three-quarters of our customers will see their monthly bills go up by less than $6 per month. Ninety percent of our customers will see their monthly bills go up by less than $9 per month.